Sunday, April 02, 2006

Some new (long awaited) updates to site

Well, it's been a while, but I have made some updates to my web site. For one, I had to take my actual email address down from the site because of the incredible amount of spam I have been getting. I would say I get 800 to 1000 spam mail messages a week. It clogs up my email, and makes me have to sort thru them to make sure a 'real' email to me from a reader hasn't been swept up by my spam filter. I ended up formatting my email address as pete(at), with people having to determine where to put the @ symbol. (hint: it replaces the (at) in my address!)
Also, I have begun experimenting with adding close up aerial photos of the featured cell sites on my site. I am using a link to , which has some of the closest photos included with thier online maps that I have seen. It has even come in handy for me to help me determine where there was access to a cell site road, or even if a site is located in someones property.
Check back soon for more updates!!


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