Wednesday, April 30, 2008

MetroPCS uses DAS to speed rollout in New England

MetroPCS is hopping in on the two DAS systems in Massachusetts to help them build out the area network a little quicker. The Andover system is already built and running, but the Brookline system seems to be a source of controversy. A local newspaper article gives some insight into the turmoil that surrounds this system build out.
Distributed Antenna Systems can eliminate the need for cell towers, but in a town (city) like Brookline, that has lot's of multi-story buildings, a cell site can easily be 'hidden' on the roofs of some of the taller buildings. Tall buildings such as the Brook House Condominiums, which are about 1o stories tall, can easily house multiple carriers, with minimal aesthetic impact.
As MetroPCS builds out, I will be watching to keep you informed and up to date.

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